Turn the unplanned into a loving plan.

is wanted
by someone."

There’s no such thing as “unwanted.”  The Radiance Foundation is passionate about changing the world’s false narrative about wantedness and worth. We want to work towards making adoption a win-win-win situation for the adoptee, birthparent(s), and adoptive family. Radiance cofounder Ryan Bomberger, an adoptee and adoptive dad, praises his birthmom for her courage and is beyond blessed to have been loved by two parents (Henry & Andrea Bomberger) who helped unleash his God-given purpose. Ryan strongly believes: “Everyone is wanted by someone.” 

The couple behind Adopted & Loved

Ryan and Bethany Bomberger are the cofounders of The Radiance Foundation. Ryan was the first of ten adopted in a diverse family of 15. Today, Ryan and Bethany are the parents of four children (two of whom were adopted).

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The Henry & Andrea Bomberger Adopted and Loved Fund

The Radiance Foundation is honored to name our new fund after Ryan’s mother, Andrea Bomberger, and his late father, Henry. They had three biological children before adopting ten children of varying ethnicities/colors/abilities. Ryan was the first child they adopted. Each year, The Radiance Foundation gives grants to Christian families seeking to adopt. Our team works directly with adoption agencies to vet and select grantees.

First Adopted & Loved Fund Families

The Cross Family

Tanner and Angela Cross of Virginia were the first recipients of The Henry & Andrea Bomberger Adopted and Loved Fund. Their story is a testament to how God knows our heartbreaks and answers our prayers to bring breakthrough.

The Tukes Family

Ari and Quinette Tuke of Mississippi were the second recipients of The Henry & Andrea Bomberger Adopted and Loved Fund. Their story was 20 years in the making! God is soooooo good.

New families will be announced in November 2024!

Partner with us today!

You, your business, and your church can make a tax-deductible donation to the Adopted & Loved Fund. 100% of your donation goes to families.

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